Assistant Product Manager Intern then Junior Product Manager (CDI)
What did you learn during your internship?A lot of things ! It was the first time I worked in marketing with a purchasing department. I found it very interesting to see the innovations' sourcing and to be able to work with this department.I also liked to discover the regulatory part. It is a stricter part than what I had seen in the food industry in my previous internship, but it did not stop us from launching about ten innovations in 4 months.I had a lot of autonomy, especially on product innovation projects.It was really intersting to learn all of that!
Why would you recommend an internship with us?Because the Laboratoires Juva Santé have a large scope of products on the DPH market (Intimate and Sexual Hygiene, Biocidal Products, Organic Cosmetics…) and because this position allows to work on different brands with various departments such as Purchasing and R&D!
To which product would you identify with, and why? I would be the « poche SOS BOBO ». I spend my time doing sport, I often have pain everywhere and therefore, I am a big user.